Lowongan CPNS September 2009
Vacancy @ Pondok Indah Health Care Group
* Male or female
* Minimum S1 degree majoring Human Resources Management / Psychology / Management / Social Science
* Working Experience min. 3 years in Human Resources Development
* Knowledgeable Organizational and HR Development, Job Analysis, Job Evaluation Methods
* Has strong leadership & interpersonal skills
* Fluent in both oral & written English is a must
* Able to work under pressure
* Computer literate
* Female, 27 – 35 years old
* Graduated S1 from: Marketing, Administration, social science, Management, Psychology (preferably medical science)
* Working Experience min. 2 years as Customer Relation Officer in hospital/hotel/bank
* Fluent in both oral & written English / Mandarin
* Has strong leadership & interpersonal skills
* Able to operate MS Office
* Male, max. 30 years old
* Minimum D3/S1 degree majoring Computer Science from a reputable university
* Working Experience min. 2 years in IT Department
* Familiar with Network/LAN, Database Management
* Familiar with programming concept, MS-Office
* Has strong leadership & interpersonal skills
* Fluent in both oral & written English
* Able to work under pressure
* Willing to work on-call 24 hours
We regret that only short list candidates will be notified. Please sent your Application and CV, not later than 23 September 2009, and enclose a recent photograph to
HRD Department
Jl. Metro Duta Kav. UE Pondok Indah – Jakarta Selatan
or email; fahruroji@rspondokindah.co.id
Vacancy @ Kalbe Farma
Legal Staff
Requirements and Abilities:
* Male or Female, max 27 years
* S1 Graduate from Law School
* Proficiency in English
* Able to communicate well (writing & verbal)
* Able to work with computer applications
* Have experience in Legal matters would be an advantage, especially in
* Corporate matters, Drafting & Intellectual Property Rights ( 2-3 years)
* Able to work independently and in a team
* Result oriented, willing to learn, good team work, hard worker, reliable, self motivated, and self determine.
Trading Senior Supervisor / Junior Manager
Requirements and Abilities:
* Male, Age max. 35 years old
* At least 2 year(s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position
* Required skill(s): Have an advance understanding on international trading transaction (negotiation, contracting, reporting).
* English is a must (oral & written)
* Willing to work hard and self initiative
* Able to work independent and also in a team
* Can work under pressures
If you meet the above requirements and wish to join with us, please send your Comprehensive Resume, CV and Current Photograph to the email address:
We encourage only for those who meet all the qualifications to apply applications will be closed on 22 September 2009
Vacancy @ Exxon Mobil
ExxonMobil Upstream companies in Indonesia, offer challenging career opportunities to a number of Indonesian graduates for positions in ExxonMobil Production. Depending on your career preferences and available job opportunities, successful candidates may be based at head office (Jakarta) or at one of our main processing facilities or project sites in North Aceh or Bojonegoro.We look for capable, highly innovative graduates who display initiative and drive. Graduates must have a strong demonstrated academic record (minimum GPA 3.2 on a 4.00 point scale), have demonstrated maturity and interpersonal skills through previous leadership in team roles, and be prepared to take on a significant responsibility early in their professional careers. Sound judgment and the ability to act with integrity and confidence are essential.
Subsurface Engineers
* Plans and executes wellwork to ensure optimized well performance and depletion of oil and gas fields
Facilities Surveillance Engineers
* Conducts surveillance and optimizes plant and facilities performance for the processing of oil and gas.
Project Engineers
* Designs and executes modifications which ensures enhanced performance of oil and gas plant and processing facilities.
Corrosion Engineers
* Executes inspection programs, analyzes surveillance data, and designs maintenance programs to protect wells and facilities from corrosion.
Electrical, Instrument and Machinery Engineers
* Develops programmatic expertise to support optimum performance of oil and gas processing equipment.
Reservoir Engineers
* Optimizes oil and gas recovery using state-of-the-art reservoir surveillance and simulation tools.
* Bachelor's degree in Chemical, Mechanical, Petroleum, Civil, Materials, Electrical, Environmental, Metallurgical and other majors in Engineering
* Strong analytical and strategic skills
* Excellent negotiation and communication skills
* Absolutely fluent in English and Indonesian both oral and written
* Willing to be located in Indonesia
If you think that you are the one we are looking for, do not hesitate to send your resume to: upst.gm.prod.recruitment@exxonmobil.com . All resumes will be treated as strictly confidential. Only short-listed candidates will be notified. Should you need futher information please visit our career website below.
Formasi Penerimaan
* Dokter Umum: 5 orang
* S1 Hukum (Ilmu Hukum/Hukum: Perdata, Pidana, Tata Negara, Administrasi Negara, Internasional dan Bisnis/Ekonomi): 750 orang
* S1 Akuntansi: 45 orang
* S1 Komputer: 34 orang
* S1 Dakwah (Keagamaan): 2 orang
* D3 Komputer: 200 orang
* D3 Ekonomi Akuntansi/Manajemen/Pajak dan Perbankan: 265 orang
* D3 Administrasi Perkantoran/Niaga/Negara/Kepegawaian dan Sekretaris: 75 orang
* D3 Perawat Umum: 5 orang
* D3 Kebidanan: 2 orang
* Tempat: Bertempat di Kejaksaan Agung dan Kejaksaan Tinggi seluruh Indonesia kecuali Kejaksaan Tinggi DKI Jakarta
* Waktu Pendaftaran: Hari Senin s/d Rabu tanggal 28 s/d 30 September 2009 mulai pukul 08.00 s/d 12.00 dan 13.00 s/d 15.00 waktu setempat.
Berkas Lamaran
* Setiap pelamar harus mendaftar sendiri (tidak dapat diwakilkan), dengan menyerahkan 2 (dua) berkas lamaran, yang terdiri dari:
* Surat lamaran yang ditulis tangan sendiri dan ditujukan kepada Jaksa Agung Muda Pembinaan U.p. Kepala Biro Kepegawaian Kejaksaan Agung RI
* Daftar Riwayat Hidup singkat, ditulis tangan sendiri
* Foto copy Ijazah dan transkrip nilai akademik yang telah dilegalisir sesuai ketentuan Badan Kepegawaian Negara (BKN) bagi pelamar S.I dan D.III sebagai berikut:
o Universitas oleh Rektor/Dekan/Pembantu Dekan Bidang Akademik
o Sekolah Tinggi Ketua/Pembantu Ketua Bidang Akademik
o Akademi dan Politeknik Direktur dan Pembantu Direktur Bidang Akademik
* Foto copy sertifikat/Ijazah Komputer yang dilegalisir oleh instansi/lembaga yang mengeluarkan.
* Foto copy sertifikat/Ijazah TOEFL bahasa Inggris yang dilegalisir oleh instansi/lembaga yang mengeluarkan (bagi pelamar Dokter dan S.1)
* Foto copy Surat Keterangan Catatan Kepolisian (SKCK) dari POLRI yang telah dilegalisir yang berlaku pada saat melamar.
* Foto copy Kartu Tanda Peduduk (KTP) yang dilegalisir oleh instansi/lembaga yang mengeluarkan.
* Surat Keterangan berbadan sehat dari dokter Puskesmas/Rumah Sakit Pemerintah (asli dan foto copy)
* Surat Keterangan belum menikah dari Lurah/Kepala Desa (asli dan foto copy)
* Pas foto terbaru hitam putih ukuran 3 cm x 4 cm sebanyak 10 lembar (lakilaki tidak berambut panjang)
* Kecuali pelamar S.1 Hukum (calon Jaksa) membuat Surat Pernyataan bersedia tidak akan mengikuti Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Pembentukan Jaksa (PPPJ) dan tidak diangkat menjadi Jaksa selama menjadi Pegawai Negeri Sipil Kejaksaan RI
* Surat pernyataan bersedia di tempatkan di kantor Kejaksaan seluruh Indonesia
* Surat Tanda Registrasi (STR) yang dikeluarkan oleh Konsil Kedokteran (bagi pelamar Dokter Umum)
Info lengkap tentang persyaratan, tatacara pelamaran dan lain-lain silahkan download dari link berikut ini:
Formasi Penerimaan
* SMK Kehutanan: 90 orang.
* D3 Manajemen Informatika: 1 orang.
* D3 Sekretaris: 1 orang.
* D3 Teknik Mesin: 1 orang.
* D3 Keperawatan: 2 orang.
* D3 Teknik Elektro: 2 orang.
* D3 Teknik Informatika: 3 orang.
* D3 Tata Boga: 5 orang.
* D3 Administrasi Negara: 6 orang.
* D3 Kearsipan: 29 orang.
* D3 Komputer: 34 orang.
* D3 Ekonomi Akuntansi: 36 orang.
* D3 Kehutanan: 176 orang.
* S1 Desain Grafis: 1 orang.
* S1 Komunikasi: 1 orang.
* S1 Manajemen Informatika: 1 orang.
* S1 Pemuliaan Ternak: 1 orang.
* S1 Produksi Ternak: 1 orang.
* S1 Ekonomi Manajemen: 2 orang.
* S1 Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian: 2 orang.
* S1 Sosiologi: 3 orang.
* S1 Geografi Penginderaan Jauh: 4 orang.
* S1 Pemulian Tanaman: 4 orang.
* S1 Psikologi/Pendidikan (Bimbingan Konseling): 7 orang.
* S1 Teknik Geodesi: 8 orang.
* S1 Pertanian (Budidaya/Agronomi/Lansekap): 10 orang.
* S1 Geografi Kartografi: 11 orang.
* S1 Geografi GIS: 16 orang.
* S1 Komputer: 16 orang.
* S1 Manajemen Sumber Daya Perairan/Perikanan: 16 orang.
* S1 Administrasi Negara/Bisnis: 21 orang.
* S1 Biologi: 23 orang.
* S1 Hukum: 26 orang.
* S1 Ekonomi Akuntansi: 47 orang.
* S1 Kehutanan: 390 orang.
* Dokter Umum: 2 orang.
Persyaratan Khusus
* Usia minimal 18 tahun (lahir tanggal 1 Desember 1991 atau sebelumnya).
* Untuk Sekolah Kehutanan Menengah Atas (SKMA), SMK Kehutanan dan SMK Surveyor dan Perpetaan berusia maksimal 25 tahun (lahir tanggal 1 Januari 1985 atau sesudahnya)
* Untuk Diploma III (DIII) berusia maksimal 26 tahun (lahir tanggal 1 Januari 1984 atau sesudahnya).
* Untuk Sarjana (S1) berusia maksimal 30 tahun (lahir tanggal 1 Januari 1980 atau sesudahnya).
* Untuk Dokter Umum berusia maksimal 32 tahun (lahir tanggal 1 Januari 1978 atau sesudahnya).
Indeks Prestasi Kumulatif (IPK)
* Untuk Diploma III (DIII) minimal 2,50 skala 4 dengan program studi terakreditasi A, B, atau C.
* Untuk Sarjana (S1) minimal 2,75 skala 4 dengan program studi terakreditasi A, B, atau C.
* Untuk Dokter Umum minimal 3,00 skala 4 dengan program studi terakreditasi A, B, atau C
* Pendaftaran dan Penyampaian Berkas
* Berkas pendaftaran harus sudah diterima panitia selambat-lambatnya tanggal 30 September 2009 ditujukan kepada:
* Panitia hanya menerima berkas lamaran yang disampaikan melalui PO BOX tersebut di atas dan tidak menerima format penyampaian lamaran lainnya termasuk diantar langsung ke Departemen Kehutanan.
Berkas lamaran dengan lampiran-lampirannya disusun sebagai berikut:
* Formulir pendaftaran yang telah diisi lengkap, formulir dapat di download di website Departemen Kehutanan (atau di link dibawah pengumuman ini)
* Surat lamaran ditulis tangan sendiri dengan tinta warna hitam di atas kertas folio bergaris dengan huruf latin dengan mencantumkan biodata antara lain nama, tempat/tanggal lahir, status (nikah/belum nikah/janda/duda), alamat jelas yang mudah dihubungi dan nomor telepon/HP dan ditujukan kepada Menteri Kehutanan cq. Kepala Biro Kepegawaian;
* Fotocopy ijazah dan transkip nilai yang telah dilegalisir oleh pejabat yang berwenang, sebanyak 1 (satu) lembar, Surat Keterangan Lulus/Ijazah Sementara tidak diterima;
* Fotocopy sertifikat akreditasi program studi, sebanyak 1 (satu) lembar;
* Surat Pernyataan bermaterai Rp 6.000,- sanggup memenuhi persyaratan (umum dan khusus) dan ketentuan pelaksanaan Penerimaan CPNS Departemen Kehutanan Formasi Tahun 2009, sebanyak 1 (satu) lembar, format surat dapat di download di website Departemen Kehutanan (atau di link dibawah pengumuman ini);
* Pasfoto terbaru berwarna ukuran 3 x 4 cm berlatar belakang merah, sebanyak 2 (dua) lembar; 1 (satu) lembar foto ditempel di formulir pendaftaran dan 1 (satu) lembar lainnya ditulisi nama pelamar di bagian belakang foto;
* Fotocopy sertifikat TOEFL skor minimal 450 bila ada.
* Fotocopy bukti pengalaman kerja/kursus yang sesuai dengan jabatan yang dipilih bila ada.
* Fotocopy hasil pemeriksaan kesehatan umum yang telah dilegalisir dari dokter/klinik yang meliputi: tinggi dan berat badan, mata, gigi, fungsi motorik, pendengaran dan tekanan darah (khusus untuk pelamar jabatan Polisi Kehutanan (Polhut), baik pilihan 1 atau 2).
Persyaratan lengkap, kode jabatan, formulir lamaran dan lain-lain silahkan download dari link berikut ini.
Formasi Penerimaan
* S2 Pertahanan: 1 Orang
* S1 Hukum Perdata: 1 Orang
* S1 Hukum Tata Negara: 1 Orang
* S1 Hukum Internasional: 1 Orang
* S1 Hukum Administrasi Negara/Tata Usaha Negara: 2 Orang
* S1 Ekonomi Studi Pembangunan 11 Orang
* S1 Ekonomi Manajemen: 2 Orang
* S1 Administrasi Negara: 1 Orang
* S1 Ilmu Politik: 1 Orang
* S1 Hubungan Internasional: 1 Orang
* S1 Sosiologi: 1 Orang
* S1 Sastra Inggris: 1 Orang
* S1 Geografi: 1 Orang
* S1 Antropologi: 1 Orang
* S1 Statistik: 3 Orang
* S1 Teknik Informatika 4 Orang
* S1 Teknik Sipil: 2 Orang
* S1 Teknik Sipil Transportasi: 1 Orang
* S1 Teknik Sipil Sumber Daya Air/Pengairan: 1 Orang
* S1 Teknik Planologi: 3 Orang
* S1 Teknik Industri: 2 Orang
* S1 Teknik Lingkungan: 1 Orang
* S1 Geologi: 1 Orang
* S1 Teknik Geodesi: 1 Orang
* S1 Perikanan/Perikanan Laut: 1 Orang
* S1 Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian: 1 Orang
* S1 Ekonomi Akuntansi: 2 Orang
* D3 Komputer: 1 Orang
* D3 Perpustakaan: 1 Orang
* D3 Akuntansi: 1 Orang
* D3 Teknik Sipil: 1 Orang
* D3 Sekretaris: 5 Orang
Syarat Umum
* Warga Negara Indonesia, berusia maksimum :
o D.III : 30 tahun pada tanggal 1 Desember 2009 (lahir setelah 30 November 1979);
o S.1 dan S.2 : 35 tahun pada tanggal 1 Desember 2009 (lahir setelah 30 November 1974);
* Tidak pernah dihukum penjara atau kurungan berdasarkan putusan Pengadilan, karena melakukan suatu tindak pidana kejahatan;
* Tidak pernah dibehentikan dengan hormat atas permintaan sendiri atau tidak dengan hormat sebagai PNS, anggota TNI/POLRI, pegawai BUMN/BUMD atau pegawai swasta;
* Tidak berkedudukan sebagai CPNS/PNS, Calon/Anggota TNI/POLRI’
* Tidak berkedudukan sebagai anggota atau pengurus partai politik;
* Berkelakuan baik;
* Berbadan sehat (jasmani dan rohani, serta tidak buta warna)
Syarat Khusus
* Berijazah sesuai dengan kualifikasi pendidikan yang telah ditetapkan diatas;
* Terakreditasi A bagi Perguruan Tinggi Swasta dari BAN – PT dan untuk Perguruan Tinggi Luar Negeri harus diakui oleh Depdiknas.(Surat Tanda Lulus Sementara Tidak Berlaku);
* Indeks Prestasi Kumulatif (IPK) :
o D.III minimal 2,60 (dua koma enam puluh);
o S.1 minimal 2,75 (dua koma tujuh puluh lima);
o S.2 minimal 3,30 (tiga koma tiga puluh).
* Lulus rangkaian tes yang terdiri atas: Tes Potensi Akademik, Tes Bahasa Inggris, Tes Psikologi dan Wawancara.
Tahapan Penerimaan CPNS
Tahapan Seleksi dan Jadwal Pelaksanaan
* Seleksi Administrasi. (Registrasi pelamar 9 September - 17 September)
* Seleksi Tes Potensi Akademik tanggal 10 Oktober 2009
* Seleksi Bahasa Inggris tanggal 24 Oktober 2009
* Seleksi Psikologi tanggal 7 November 2009
* Seleksi Wawancara tanggal 23-26 November 2009.
silakan selengkapnya kunjungi :
Formasi Penerimaan
* Dokter Umum: 2 orang
* S2 Psikologi: 2 orang
* S1 Bahasa Inggris: 2 orang
* S1 Sospol: 7 orang
* S1 Akuntansi: 8 orang
* S1 Psikologi: 4 orang
* S1 Komputer: 13 orang
* S1 Hukum: 15 orang
* S1 Komunikasi: 6 orang
* D3 Akper: 1 orang
* D3 Sospol: 7 orang
* D3 Perpustakaan: 1 orang
* D3 Akuntansi: 4 orang
* D3 Komputer: 20 orang
* D3 Elektro: 6 orang
Persyaratan Pelamar
* Setiap Pelamar menyampaikan lamaran yang ditulis tangan dengan tinta hitam dan ditanda-tangani sendiri oleh pelamar dan bermaterai Rp. 6.000,- dan ditujukan kepada Kepala Badan Kepegawaian Negara dengan melampirkan:
o Foto copy Sah Surat Tanda Tamat Belajar/Ijazah terakhir yang telah dilegalisir;
o Foto copy Sah Transkrip Nilai Akademik yang telah dilegalisir;
o Kartu Kuning (Keterangan Pencari Kerja) dari Depnaker/Disnaker;
o Pas photo ukuran 3 x 4 cm sebanyak 3 (tiga) lembar;
o Sertifikat TOEFL dengan skor minimal 400 yang dikeluarkan dari Lembaga Pendidikan yang terakreditasi.
* Bagi pelamar berpendidikan S.1 dan S.2 Indek Prestasi Kumulatif (IPK) minimal : 2,75
* Bagi pelamar berpendidikan Diploma III, Indek Prestasi Kumulatif (IPK) minimal : 2,6
* Berusia serendah-rendahnya 18 (delapan belas) tahun dan setinggi-tingginya 35 (tiga puluh lima) tahun per 1 Desember 2009(*) dan atau 40 (empat puluh) tahun per 1 Desember 2009(*), bagi yang bekerja pada instansi pemerintah atau lembaga swasta yang berbadan hukum yang menunjang kepentingan Nasional paling kurang 12 tahun pada 17 April 2009.
* Berkas lamaran dimasukkan dalam stopmap dengan mencantumkan nama jabatan yang dilamar dan kode jabatan serta lokasi yang dilamar, lamaran langsung diserahkan kepada Sekretariat Tim Pengadaan CPNS BKN
Tempat dan Waktu Pendaftaran
* Penerimaan Lamaran BKN Pusat bertempat pada Sekretariat Tim Pengadaan Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil Badan Kepegawaian Negara (BKN), Jalan Letjen Sutoyo No. 12 Cililitan, Jakarta Timur.
* Waktu Pendaftaran bagi Penerimaan Lamaran BKN Pusat dan Kantor Regional I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, IX, X, XI dan XII pada tanggal 15 -30 September 2009 mulai pukul 09.00 s/d 15.00 WIB, pada hari kerja.
Lokasi Kantor Regional BKN
* Kantor Regional I BKN di Yogyakarta.
* Kantor Regional II BKN di Surabaya.
* Kantor Regional III BKN di Bandung.
* Kantor Regional IV BKN di Makassar.
* Kantor Regional V BKN di Jakarta.
* Kantor Regional VI BKN di Medan.
* Kantor Regional VII BKN di Palembang.
* Kantor Regional IX BKN di Jayapura.
* Kantor Regional X BKN di Denpasar.
* Kantor Regional XI BKN di Manado.
* Kantor Regional XII BKN di Pekanbaru.
Untuk info selengkapnya silahkan download pengumuman resminya di link berikut ini :
* Penerimaan Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil Departemen Perhubungan dibagi menjadi
* Penerimaan Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil Tingkat Sarjana (D.IV, S1, S2)
* Penerimaan Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil Tingkat D-III, Kebawah Gabungan Unit Kerja Eselon I
* Penerimaan Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil Tingkat D-III, D-II, SLTA, dan SLTP Direktorat Jenderal Perhubungan Laut
* Penerimaan Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil Tingkat D-III, D-II, dan SLTA Direktorat Jenderal Perhubungan Udara
Ketentuan Penerimaan Tingkat Sarjana (D4, S1, S2)
Persyaratan Umum
* Berusia minimal 18 (delapan belas) tahun dan maksimal 35 (tiga puluh lima) tahun pada tanggal 01 Desember 2009;
* Berijazah D.IV, S1, S2 atau yang disetarakan, baik dari lulusan Perguruan Tinggi Negeri atau Perguruan Tinggi Swasta yang telah terakreditasi oleh Badan Akreditasi Nasional (BAN), apabila berstatus diakui maupun terdaftar harus berijazah ujian negara / terakreditasi;
* Diutamakan yang memiliki kemampuan berbahasa Inggris yang dibuktikan dengan sertifikat/TOEFL dan dapat mengoperasikan Program Komputer Ms. Office;
* Memiliki Indeks Prestasi Kumulatif (IPK) sekurang-kurangnya 2,5 (dua koma lima) untuk Perguruan Tinggi Negeri dan sekurang-kurangnya 2,75 (dua koma tujuh puluh lima) untuk Perguruan Tinggi Swasta
Tatacara Pendaftaran
* Pendaftaran hanya dilayani secara online melalui link dibawah pengumuman ini, dimulai sejak tanggal 10 s.d. 24 September 2009, dan mencetak Bukti Registrasi Pendaftaran ONLINE;
* Berkas Administrasi Lamaran dikirimkan melalui PO BOX yang telah ditetapkan beserta Bukti Registrasi Pendaftaran ONLINE selambat-lambatnya diterima tanggal 28 September 2009 (Cap Pos);
Ketentuan Penerimaan Tingkat Diploma III Kebawah
Persyaratan Umum
* Berijazah D-III, D-II, baik dari lulusan Perguruan Tinggi Negeri atau Perguruan Tinggi Swasta yang telah terakreditasi oleh Badan Akreditasi Nasional (BAN), apabila berstatus diakui maupun terdaftar harus berijazah ujian negara / terakreditasi;
* Berijazah SMK/SMA dari lulusan Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Negeri atau Swasta yang telah terakreditasi;
* IPK minimal 2.50 (dua koma lima puluh);
* Batas usia pelamar minimal 18 (delapan belas) tahun per 1 Desember 2009 dan maksimal 35 (tiga puluh lima) tahun pada tanggal 1 Desember 2009;
Tatacara Pelamaran
* Pendaftaran di mulai sejak tanggal 14 s/d 28 September 2009;
* Berkas administrasi lamaran di kirim melalui POBOX yang telah ditetapkan dan selambat-lambatnya di terima tanggal 28 September 2009 (Cap Pos);
Ketentuan Penerimaan Dirjen Hubungan Laut
Persyaratan Umum
* Berusia serendah-rendahnya 18 tahun dan setinggi-tingginya 35 tahun pada tanggal 1 Desember 2009;
Tatacara Pelamaran
* Pendaftaran dibuka melalui PO BOX. Mulai tanggal 11 s/d 25 September 2009 cap pos dan paling lambat diterima tanggal 29 September 2009
Ketentuan Penerimaan Dirjen Hubungan Udara
Persyaratan Umum
* Diploma III, Diploma II dan SLTA sederajat (SMU IPA/IPS, Paket C, SMK/SMEA, SMK/STM Listrik, Elektronika, Mesin, Otomotif, Bangunan)
* Berusia : Serendah-rendahnya 18 (delapan belas) tahun pada tanggal 01 Desember 2009. Setinggitingginya 35 (tiga puluh lima) tahun pada tanggal 01 Desember 2009.
Tatacara Pelamaran
* Berkas lamaran dikirim paling lambat tanggal 24 September 2009 sesuai Cap Pos sejak diiklankan melalui Koran, melalui PO.BOX sesuai lokasi pendaftaran
* Berkas lamaran dari PO.BOX akan diambil oleh Panitia mulai tanggal 14 September sampai dengan 28 September 2009 Pukul. 16.00 waktu setempat.
* Ketentuan selengkapnya dan pendaftaran online bagi CPNS Tingkat Sarjana dapat diperoleh/dilakukan dari link-link berikut ini.
website : http://www.dephub.go.id/cpns/
download : http://www.dephub.go.id/cpns/informasi/PENGUMUMANCPNS2009(sarjana).pdf
Vacancy @ Garuda Indonesia
PT. Aero Systems Indonesia, a subsidiary of PT. Garuda Indonesia, is one of the leading IT service providers for the airline and aviation industries. To answer the challenges of the future, we are inviting high caliber professionals who are eager to demonstrate their expertise and passion for excellence to the world.
Junior Accountant*
• Preparing monthly financial reports;
• Preparing quarterly financial and management reports;
• Preparing annual financial and management reports;
• Assisting financial audit process;
• Preparing montly tax payment;
• Preparing monthly tax reports;
• Migrating Zahir Accounting into SAP System;
• Does other selective tasks given by Superiors.
• Holding a Bachelor Degree in Accounting;
• Having working experience between 0 - 3 years in related field;
• Having knowledge of economic and accounting principles and practices, the financial markets, banking and the analysis and reporting of financial data;
• Having knowledge of Zahir Accounting Software and/or SAP;
• Fresh graduates/Entry level applicants are encouraged to apply;
• Fluent in English, both oral and written, with minimum TOEIC score of 600;
• Age not later than 27 years old on October 1, 2009.
Application Developer*
• Analyzes, designs and develops aviation application systems in order to meet user requirements using C/C++ based programming language.
• Requirements
• Minimum Bachelor's Degree (S-1) from reputable university in the area of Information System or Computer Science or other related area with minimum GPA 3.00
• Fluent in English, both oral and written.
• Age not older than 27 years old on November 1, 2009.
• Some experience in C / C++ programming would be an advantage.
Java Developer*
• Analyze information processing or computation needs, plan and design computer systems, using techniques such as structured analysis, data modeling and information engineering to meet user requirements;
• Prepares detailed workflow charts and diagrams that describe input, output and logical operation and convert them into a series of instructions coded in a computer languange;
• Designs, develops, troubleshoots, debugs, evaluates, modifies, deploys, maintains and documents applications system design in aviation industry;
• Programs new system features as well as updates and enhancements;
• Customizes system features as well as updates and enhancements;
• Customizes system features and functions to meet customer requirements, as well as technical issues;
• Provides assistance, guidance and system-related training to customers;
• Prepares, writes and enhances technical system documentation, as well as technical issues;
• Provides assistance, guidance and system-related training to customers;
• Prepares, writes and enhances technical system documentation, as well as documentation of operating procedures;
• May writes portions of technical proposals to customers and to participate in business development presentations to customers;
• May responsible for small to medium-sized IT projects.
• Minimum Bachelor's Degree (S-1) from reputable university in area the of Information System or Computer Science or related field.
• Familiar with Java programming, experiences with other object oriented languanges are advantageous.
• Minimum 2 years of programming experience with J2EE (formal working experiences) .
• Have strong technical background and experience using J2EE technology.
• Have strong experience in Eclipse or other Java development tools.
• Have knowledge of Hibernate, EJB3, Jboss application server would be an advantage.
• Have good Object Oriented Programming concept.
• Have knowledge of state of the art software develop technology.
• Have knowledge of internet application design as well as Host application design.
• Familiar with database systems.
• Have knowledge of programming under UNIX.
• Experience in source code versioning as well as C++ an added bonus.
• Fluent in English, both oral and written.
Customer Desk Manager
• Plans, directs, supervises, and evaluates the effectiveness of Helpdesk and Operation Support activities.
• Develops, tracks, and reports key service performance measurements.
• Develops and implements approved process and/or operational improvements.
• Co-ordinates unit activities with other functions to provide customer service excellence.
• Manages the troubleshooting of infrastructure problems, 1st level and 2nd level problems related to application.
• Directs compilation of records and reports concerning the data of problems, malfunctions and maintenance.
• Schedules and organizes personnel to ensure proper manning of helpdesk terminals and operations support activities at all times.
• Performs feasibility studies, impact analysis, requirements and implementation support for development, enhancements, and upgrades services to support the company’s operations.
• Ensures the efficient utilization of call center equipment (phones, computers, terminals, etc.)
• Bachelor's Degree (S-1) in Computer Science/Information Technology or other related field.
• At least 5 (five) years of working experience in the related field.
• Knowledge of company’s core products and infrastructure network
• Knowledge of principles and processes for providing customer and personal services, this includes meeting quality standards for services.
• Fluent in English, both oral and written.
Business & Requirement Analyst*
• Together with Product Management Team and Project Manager defines Software Requirements Specification based on end user business needs.
• Write requirements specifications according to standard templates, using natural language simply, clearly, unambiguously, and concisely.
• Identify project stakeholders and user classes. Write a document about user class characteristic and their responsibilities.
• Create and maintain application system design. These documents are includes Use Case Specification, Supplementary/ Technical Specification, and UML diagrams (Use Case, Class, Sequence, Deployment, etc).
• Represent requirements using alternative views, such as analysis models (diagrams), prototypes, or scenarios, matrices, simple tables, where appropriates
• Prepares detailed workflow charts and diagrams that describe input, output, and logical operation, and convert them into a series of instructions coded in a computer language.
• Provides assistance, guidance and system-related training to customers together with Product Management.
• Bachelor's Degree (S-1) in Computer Science/Information Technology/Mathemat ics/Physics or other related field.
• Experienced in source code versioning as well as C++ an added bonus
• Experienced in Unified Software Development Process (RUP), Object Oriented Design Patterns, Object Oriented Programming Languages
• Familiar with Object Oriented programming, experiences with some object oriented languages (such as C/C++, Java, PHP, Pascal, etc) are advantageous
• Familiar with data base systems
• Knowledge of state of the art software develop technology
• Knowledge of internet application design as well as Host application design
• Fluent in English, both oral and written
Junior Purchaser*
• Receives the Purchase Request from user or other parties
• Prepares procurement documents for reviewing by the Team
• Clarification anf Verification of request
• Create RFQ/RFP and Invite the vendors for Presentation (Aanwijzing)
• Collect the proposals and summaryze
• Evaluate the proposals
• Negotiation and Clarification
• Create Minutes of Meeting
• Issue PO/Contract
• Monitors the delivery time and verifies that the goods according PO/Contract
• Bachelor's Degree (S-1) in Computer Science/Information Technology or other relevant field.
• At least 2 (two) years of working experience in related area.
• Knowledge of principles and processes of Procurement and Asset Management
• Trained in Basic Procurement Procedures, Negotiation Skill and Inventory Management
• Computer Literate (Word processing, Spreadsheet and presentation)
• Fluent in English, both oral and written
Procurement Specialist
• Assure full compliance of procurement activities with procurement and company rules, regulations, policies and strategies;
• Analyze information for preparation of procurement plans for the office and projects, and monitor their implementation;
• Implement proper monitoring and control of procurement processes including organization of RFQ or RFP, receipt of quotations, bids or proposals, their evaluation, and negotiation and Clarification of the conditions of contracts in full compliance with company rules and regulation;
• Issue PO/Draft Contract
• Monitors the delivery time and verifies that the goods are according to PO/Contract
• Make progress report
• Coordinates with other parties or user.
• Develop and manage rosters of suppliers, elaboration of supplier selection and evaluation criteria, quality and performance measurement mechanisms
• Bachelor's Degree (S-1) in Computer Science/Information Technology or Business/Management
• At least 5 (five) years of working experience with some project management or procurement exposure
• Relevant training in project management and some familiarity with the technology of the project
• Preferably having certificates in Basic Procurement Procedures, Negotiation Skill and Inventory Management
• Knowledge of principles and processes of Procurement and Assets Management
• Fluent in English, both oral and written
Senior Network Engineer
• Maintains assigned network and routing infrastructure and ensures optimal network performance and quality of service objectives are met in pursuit of set Service Level Agreement (SLA) commitments.
• Performs network architecture reviews (including hardware and software technology, site locations, and integration of technologies) and develops detailed engineering design and deployment plans.
• Analysis, designs, tests, documentations, implementation/ configuration and support of data networking technologies.
• Acts as subject matter expert and assists in planning and implementation to set project plan.
• Provides consulting and engineering services on Internet and intranet application hosting efforts
• Researches and analyzes significant, complex network problems that require evaluation of intangibles, such as downstream effects on client satisfaction
• Provides specific detailed information for hardware and software selection, implementation techniques and tools for the most efficient solution to meet business needs, including present and future capacity requirements.
• Researches and analyzes networking technologies to remain pro-active and current in the industry
• Provides 3rd level support to operational team as required.
• Bachelor's Degree (S-1) in Computer Science/Information Technology or other related area.
• At least 4 (four) years technical experience with large scale LAN implementations and project management.
• Knowledge of Linux/UNIX, relational database and network design
• Knowledge of networks and associated protocols and ability to perform troubleshooting of networks and associated devices.
• Knowledge of Router and switch configuration for LAN/WAN environments
• Knowledge of routing, transport, and QoS performance concerns for communications
• Excellent written and presentation skills, evident customer service bias, strong attention to detail, and works well with other team members while in a fast-paced environment
• Fluent in English, both oral and written
Junior Network Administrator*
• Designs and implements network configurations, network architecture (including hardware and software technology, site locations, and integration of technologies) , and systems.
• Develops and creates procedures for installation, use, and troubleshooting of communications hardware and software.
• Analyzes and solves significant, moderate network problems that require evaluation of intangibles, such as downstream effects on client satisfaction.
• Provides engineering services and project management functions required to develop and implement network plans.
• Provides specific detailed information for hardware and software selection, implementation techniques and tools for the most efficient solution to meet business needs, including present and future capacity requirements.
• Conducts routine testing of network design and maintenance of labs, maintains technical expertise in all areas of network and computer hardware and software interconnection and interfacing, such as routers, multiplexers, firewalls, hubs, bridges, gateways, etc.
• Provides 3rd level support to operational team as required.
• Researches and analyzes networking technologies to remain pro-active and current in the industry.
• Bachelor's Degree (S-1) in Computer Science/Information Technology or other relevant area.
• At least 2 (two) years of hands-on technical experience.
• Knowledge of network design
• Knowledge of Router and switch configuration for LAN/WAN environments
• Knowledge of routing, transport, and QoS performance concerns for communications
• Fluent in English, both oral and written
Human Resource Specialist
• Designs human resource programs such as HR planning and development, compensation and benefit, and industrial relations.
• Designs, evaluates and modifies HR system to establish competitive programs and ensure compliance with legal requirements.
• Develops and analyzes statistical data and reports to identify and determine causes of personnel problems and develop recommendations for improvement of organization' s personnel policies and practices.
• Serves as a link between management and employees by handling questions, interpreting and administering contracts and helping resolve work-related problems.
• Oversees the evaluation, classification and rating of occupations and job positions.
• Provides current and prospective employees with information about policies, job duties, working conditions, wages, and opportunities for promotion and employee benefits.
• Identifies and implements benefits to increase the quality of life for employees.
• Bachelor's Degree (S-1) in Management/Psycholo gy/Law or other relevant field.
• 5 (five) years of experience in Human Resource related area.
• Familiar with competency based HR management, performance based reward system and Indonesian Labour Law & regulations.
• Computer literate (word processing, spreadsheet, presentation)
• Fluent in English, both oral and written.
Treasury Officer
• Manage Petty Cash, which includes maintaining adequate balance and on time internal disbursement and collection;
• Monitor other Petty Cash holder ensuring all are in compliance with the procedures;
• Prepares payments for administrative and operational expenditures through the bank;
• Maintain records of Petty Cash and Bank transactions and prepare weekly cash & bank report;
• Prepare monthly cash reporting;
• Prepare cash projections, monitor and analyze cash flow to ensure compliance with required standards;
• Manage bank accounts including bank reconciliation;
• Monitor, collects and reports Customer's receivables;
• Monitor and settle Vendor's Payables;
• Perform administrative tasks related to cash and banking transactions.
• Minimum Bachelor's Degree (S-1) from reputable university in the area of Business Studies/Administrat ion/Management or Economics or Finance/Accountancy /Banking.
• Minimum 2 (two) years working experience in Treasury/Finance/ Banking/Accounti ng.
• Have good knowledge of Finance and Treasury function;
• Have good knowledge of basic computer software especially microfost office : MS. Excel and MS. Word and Internet Explorer.
• Fluent in English, both oral and written, with minimum TOEIC score of 600.
• Fresh graduates/Entry level applicants are encouraged to apply.
• Applicants should be Indonesian citizen.
Desktop Administrator*
• Provides desktop support to end-users running Window XP workstations and laptops
• Track/report support issues through a ticketing system
• Responsible for setup, configuration and delivery of workstations
• Setup new user accounts in Active Directory
• Configure and maintain workstation and laptop builds
• Provides desktop application support and resolution
• Support Blackberry and miscellaneous electronic devices
• Assist end user with the set up of audio, video and web conferencing
• Support and assist users with IP phone system
• Provide support for digital imaging, fax and printing
• Provide remote assistance for users across the globe
• Maintain hardware and software inventory
• Provide support for specialty financial applications
• Bachelor's Degree (S-1) in Computer Science/Information Technology or other relevant field
• 2 (two) years of experience with Windows 2003 and XP operating systems
• Working knowledge of TCP/IP, DNS, DHCP and Window 2000/2003 Active Directory
• Experience with desktop imaging software, Ghost
• Excellent knowledge of Office 2003/2007 suite
• Ability to set priorities and be flexible in a fast-paced environment
• Experience supporting VPN clients
• Experience with remote desktop applications (RDP, VNC)
• Knowledge of Linux/UNIX, relational database and network design
• Knowledge of various Operating Systems and Desktop Management services
• Knowledge of various desktop management concept and desktop life cycle
• Excellent written and presentation skills, evident customer service bias, strong attention to detail and work well with other team members while in a fast-paced environment
• Fluent in English, both oral and written
Senior Desktop Engineer
• Maintains assigned desktop and ensures optimal desktop performance and quality of Desktop Management service are met in pursuit of set Services Level Agreement (SLA) commitments
• Performs desktop management architecture reviews (including hardware and software technology, site locations and integration of technologies) and develops detailed engineering design and deployment plans
• Performing analysis, designs, tests, documentations, implementations/ configuration and support of Desktop Management technologies
• Acting as subject matter expert and assist in planning and implementation to set project plan
• Researches and analyzes significant, complex network problems that require evaluation on intangibles such as downstream effects on client satisfaction
• Provides specific detailed information for hardware and software selection, implementation techniques and tools for the most efficient solution to meet business needs, including present and future capacity requirements
• Researches and analyzes desktop management technologies to remain pro-active and current in the industry
• May facilitates or mentoring Junior Desktop Engineer in daily activities
• Provides 3rd level support to operational team as required
• Bachelor's Degree (S-1) in Computer Science/Information Technology or other relevant field.
• At least 4 (four) years technical experience with large scale of Desktop, LAN implementation and project management
• Knowledge of Linux/UNIX, relational database and network design
• Knowledge of various Operating Systems and Desktop Management services
• Have deep understanding in desktop management concept and desktop life cycle
• Excellent written and presentation skills, evident customer service bias, strong attention to detail and work well with other team members while in a fast-paced environment
• Fluent in English, both oral and written
Sales Manager
• Executes marketing programs and activities to increase sales based on market research;
• Manages customers and potential customers by maintaining and developing relationship via meetings, telephone calls and emails to ensure continued and/or new contracts;
• Confers with customer and potential customers regarding service needs and advises customers on types of products to purchase;
• Maintains a level of sales achievement for a define market segment by developing sales strategy and program;
• Negotiates at a certain level within well-defined limits of discretion to win significant contracts;
• Targets new accounts and exploits business opportunities to achieve sales targets;
• Writes up sales plans and leads sales presentations;
• Advises on forthcoming product developments and discusses special promotions.
• Minimum Bachelor Degree (S-1) from reputable university (overseas graduates are preferred) in the area of Engineering, Finance, Management, or Business.
• Minimum 5 years of sales experiences, and at least 3 years in sales manager position in the ICT (Information Communication Technology) industry (preferably from multinational company).
• Have solid channel or corporate users sales experience.
• Have strong interrelation and communication skills.
• Knowledgeable in providing services to corporate customers.
• Have knowledge in distribution and pricing strategy.
• Fluent in English, both oral and written, with minimum TOEIC score of 700.
• Applicants should be Indonesian citizens or hold relevant residence status.
Desktop Manager
• Plans, directs, supervises and evaluates the effectiveness of Desktop Management services activities.
• Develops, tracks and reports key services performance measurements
• Develops and implements approved process and/or operational improvements
• Analyzes customer needs, documents requirements and implements highly effective desktop technology solutions.
• Considers implications to users of all desktop-oriented technology solutions being implemented to the current and future business environment.
• Maintains ongoing and frequent contact with internal customer representatives at various levels.
• Recommends and implements strategies for the development and continuous improvement of processes, policies and procedures.
• Ensures that problems are handled in a timely manner so as to eliminate down time and maximize company productivity.
• Leads all desktop project initiatives with high quality control and results.
• Bachelor's Degree (S-1) in Computer Science/Information Technology or other relevant field.
• At least 4 (four) years technical experience with large scale of Desktop, LAN implementation and project management.
• Knowledge of Linux/UNIX, relational database and network design
• Knowledge of various Operating Systems and Desktop Management services
• Have deep understanding in desktop management concept and desktop life cycle
• Excellent written and presentation skills, evident customer service bias, strong attention to detail and work well with other team members while in a fast-paced environment
• Fluent in English, both oral and written
Finance Manager
• Provides financial analysis and consultation to support strategic decision making in areas such as competitor analysis, cost reductions, and internal performance measurement;
• Optimizes business plans especially in financial analysis of company's products to help improve business results;
• Develops, interprets and implements financial concepts for financial planning and control while performing technical analysis to determine present and future financial performance;
• Solves problems and develops new methods of analysis in order to support management in pricing strategy;
• Collaborates with cross-functional teams in developing pricing strategy and business forecast;
• Monitors and analyses financial performance besides makes financial report derived from each project or business activities;
• Provides timely explanations of variances between actual results and forecasts or budgets, and direct management attention to corrective action where necessary.
• Minimum Bachelor Degree (S-1) from reputable university (overseas graduates are preferred) in the area of Engineering, Finance, Management, or Business.
• Minimum 5 years of experiences in financial planning and assessment, also in product management and analysis, at least 3 years in managerial position in the ICT (Information Communication Technology) industry (preferably from multinational company).
• Knowledgeable in financial budgeting, forecasting, project feasibility analysis, and costing.
• Fluent in English, both oral and written, with minimum TOEIC score of 700.
• Applicants should be Indonesian citizens or hold relevant residence status.
Applications Maintenance General Manager
• Analyzes user requirements, evaluates options, recommends solutions and projects, and manage the implementation of airlines operations systems.
• Analyzes short and long-term airlines business IT requirements, and recommends innovations that anticipate the future impact of changing business requirements.
• Manages the implementation of IT systems and procedures in the scope of airlines business and operations to ensure compliance with user requirements.
• Ensures the availability of core products and services to all customers.
• Ensures economic and efficient availability of systems within adequate safeguards for both security and integrity.
• Monitors and assesses the quality of migrations and deliverables service level of each product implementation using proven methodologies and management systems.
• Master's Degree/Post Graduate Degree (S-2) in Computer Science/Information Technology or other relevant field.
• At least 5 (five) years of experience as a Manager or 2 (two) years as a General Manager in ICT industry.
• Knowledge of airlines business operation is an advantage.
• Fluent in English, both oral and written.
Marketing Manager
• Researches and analyzes existing or prospective customer trends within the framework of business development program;
• Directs, plans, and analyzes statistic pertinent to the company business development program;
• Critically evaluates information gathered from multiple sources, reconciles conflicts, decomposes high-level information into details, abstracts up from low-level information to a general understanding, and distinguishes user requests from the underlying true needs;
• Reviews test plans and scenarios to help ensure an accurate, effective product and participates in functional and system testing as needed;
• Prepares documentation, presentations, charts, tables and diagrams and conducts reviews for scope, business justification and business requirements including use cases, design documents, prototypes and business rules;
• Documents and tracks the status of client inquiries, enhancement requests, change requests and defects;
• Recommends alternatives to address problems and improve methods for achieving objectives that may impact the business.
• Minimum Bachelor Degree (S-1) from reputable university (overseas graduates are preferred) in the area of Engineering, Finance, Management, or Business.
• Minimum 5 years of experiences in marketing, at least 3 years in managerial position in ICT (Information Communication Technology) industry (preferably from multinational company).
• Knowledgeable in product development strategy, product packaging, product pricing, and promotion strategy.
• Strong analytical and product management skills is required, including a thorough understanding of how to interpret customer business needs and translate them into application and operational requirements.
• Strong in logical thinking, interrelation and communication skills.
• Fluent in English, both oral and written, with minimum TOEIC of 700.
• Applicants should be Indonesian citizens or hold relevant residence status.
Infrastructure Planning & Development General Manager
• Designs and implements network configurations, network architecture (including hardware and software technology, site locations, and integration of technologies) , and systems.
• Manages implementation of network architecture to ensure compliance with user requirements.
• Coordinates implementation program with customers and other department in the design, testing and evaluation of systems.
• Develops and create procedures for installation, use, and troubleshooting of communications hardware and software.
• Ensures network and server performance meets company-defined uptime performance in accordance with service level agreements.
• Ensures that all procurement of related hardware and software are compatible and consistent with approved standards.
• Oversee delivery of services including Service Level Agreement management (development, monitoring), service issue resolution, new requirements introduction, and delivery acceptance
• Evaluate effectiveness of programs and offer solutions to enhance effectiveness. Partner directly with key business leaders in multiple functions and provides strategic system solutions to business initiatives.
• Master's Degree/Post Graduate Degree (S-2) in Computer Science/Information Technology or other relevant field.
• At least 5 (five) years of experience as a Manager or 2 (two) years as a General Manager in all phases of infrastructure technology and operations.
• Knowledge of design, implementation and support of all aspect of infrastructure technology and the proven ability to manage the entire spectrum of infrastructure and operations.
• Ability to motivate teams to produce quality materials and services within tight timeframes and simultaneously manage several projects.
• Fluent in English, bot oral and written.
Systems Engineering General Manager
• Proposes company business plan based on analysis of IT and airlines business development.
• Organizes, directs, controls or co-ordinates Systems Engineering department programs.
• Monitors new technologies and asses their potential to become new products or services.
• Oversees the selection of system architecture or product development projects to ensure they have the potential to add value to the company
• Assures development of fundamental technologies offering clear competitive advantage for current and future business
• Ensures the policies and practices are constructed to attract the right kind, right number and right placement of technologies
• Develops program to retain and expand existing company relationships for one or more product lines or market segments, and to solicit new product from prospective customer
• Manages the development, planning, designs, and maintenances of company core product.
• Directs teams on a larger/complex range of projects.
• Coordinates with internal departments/ units and external users/customers to identify opportunities to improve and refine services to meet customer needs.
• Ensures implementation of preventive and corrective maintenance policies, projects and programs in a technical environment.
• Master's Degree/Post Graduate Degree (S-2) in Computer Science/Information Technology or other relevant field.
• At least 5 (five) years of experience as a General Manager in ICT industry.
• Experinced in strategic planning, resource allocation, production methods, and coordination of people and resources.
• Knowledge of airlines business operations is an advantage.
• Fluent in English, both oral and written.
SAP BASIS Administrator
• SAP Basis administration which include installation, administration, system copies, performance tuning, and monitoring of SAP infrastructure
• Set-up and maintain clients, transport routes and implement transport workflow to control transport approvals
• Assist in the evaluation of SAP upgrades and other related products
• Develop and maintain Installation Templates and operating procedures for Basis tasks.
• Support interfaces to SAP systems and to 3rd party tools used in business systems environment.
• Perform Client Copies/System Refreshes to support Development, Conversions and User Acceptance Testing
• Performance Tuning and Support for initial conversions, Online transactions and batch jobs
• Work closely with Development and Functional teams in resolving application issues
• Collaborate with other IT infrastructure teams in resolving system issues
• Actively pursue issue resolution, and communicate project status/issues to Infrastructure and PMO Team
• Min. Bachelor's Degree (S-1) in Information Technology or other related area.
• At least 2 (two) years of experience in SAP BASIS administration, certified SAP BASIS are preferred.
• Prior experience in 1-2 full SAP lifecycle implementations.
• Strong SAP troubleshooting and performance tuning skills.
• Fluent in English, both oral and written.
* The successful candidate will be assigned for minimum 12 months, with temporary employment bases.
If you feel that you are the one we’re looking for, please apply via following link not later than September 12 2009. Only short listed candidates will be notified.
PT Johnson & Johnson Indonesia
Company Descriptions
Johnson & Johnson is the world's largest, most diversified healthcare company, operating in 57 countries with worldwide sales of US $ 65 billion. Most of our brands are world leaders. Excellent opportunity now exists for young high potential, career minded professional to join our team in Johnson & Johnson Medical Indonesia as :
Sales Manager
Required : 1 person
Requirements :
The candidate will be responsible for sales and marketing, delivering sales objectives and developing strategies for growth.
- He/She must have minimum of 3 years' sales management experience in multinational. Pharmaceutical or Medical Device Company with a proven track record of sales, good people management, and has experience in managing a business unit.
- Travel is required and may account for 30%-40% of the candidate's time outstation.
- The candidate should be self motivated, can work independently as well as in a team, and must be result oriented.
- A Bachelor degree (MBA with a minimum GPA of 3.0/4.0 would be an advantage) from a recognized university.
- Good communication skills in Bahasa and English.
- Successful candidate shall be awarded with very competitive compensation and benefits, and intensive Orientation/Training program domestic and overseas.
Responsibility :
Additional Note :
If you have all the above requirements, you are encouraged to send your application including your contacted e-mail address, hand phone number, recent photograph, CV/Resume, copy of Universitiy transcript(s) clearly stating your GPA (s), send to
Job Position : Sales Manager
Job Location : Indonesia
Experiences : 3 years
Salary : Negotiable
Jobs Type : Permanent
Closing Date : 2009-09-15
Send Your CV & Recent Photo to :
Director Medical Division
Wisma Mampang, 4th Floor Jl. Mampang Prapatan Raya no. 1 Jakarta Selatan
Global Recruitment Batch V
To recruite highly capable graduates with outstanding potential, technological expertise and interest in creating high value technologies and products that meet market needs, who can support Toshiba in further enhancing its global competitiveness through globalization and the expansion of overseas business
If you are:
· Graduating S1, S2, or S3 from a reputable university by July 2010, majoring in:
1. Electrical Engineering
2. Electronics Engineering
3. Informatics
4. Mechanical Engineering
5. Material Science
6. Math
7. Physics
8. Applied Physics
9. Chemical Engineering
10. Environmental Engineering
11. Computer Engineering
12. Computer Science
13. Mechatronics
14. Microwave
15. Industrial Engineering
· SINGLE, max. 25 years old (S1) and 27 years old(S2/S3) at the end of Dec 2009.
· GPA minimum 3.0 (scale of 4,00).
· Willing to work in Japan for 5 years or more.
Position Offered:
1. Power System
2. Power Transmission and Distribution
3. Infrastructure
· Details of each position will be displayed sooner at www.performacita.net
· Visit www.performacita.net.
· Download application form from www.performacita.net.
· Complete the application form.
· Send back your complete application form to cv@performacita.net.
· The application form must be sent at doc., or docx. format. before the end of September, 2009.
Recruitment Schedule:
· Will be announced soon in this website
Careers Schneider Electric Indonesia
Schneider Electric currently employs over 1100 people throughout Indonesia.
With our head office located in Jakarta and state offices residing all over Indonesia the company offers a wide variety of career opportunities for dedicated and motivated people.
Our current Vacant Positions are:
Responsible to develop, manage, maintain all Quality Policy. Directives Quality and Quality of Product. Have a solid electrical power application and testing experience in an equipment business. Actively promote towards Quality Culture and Six Sigma.
Responsible to manage material project planning progress in terms of replenishment & delivery. To control schedule inventory to meet the target. Familiar to work with SAP program.
Responsible to manage quality process & product of LV or MV equipment range or metal fabrication, and to ensure the conformance to specification and standard.
TECHNO COMMERCIAL ENGINEER (TCE) – Tendering and Execution
Responsible to clarify any technical and commercial matters during project offering and execution. Execute and manage the order to meet the quality, delivery and cost.
Able to follow, track and control the LV & MV equipment project costing. Familiar to work with SAP program
Responsible for the Electrical Low Voltage and Medium Voltage design engineering in equipment business to meet customer requirements, design optimization. Familiar to work with Auto CAD.
Assist Design Engineer to fulfill specific Electrical/Mechanic al design requirements to meet customer request. Familiar to work with Auto CAD.
Responsible in maintaining & developing existing customers as well as new ones, to promote and win sales for Schneider’s solution on customer’s requirement on Low and Medium voltage electrical distribution and Automation.
Responsible to make sure that all materials required for production process are available.
Responsible to establish schedule of project/product in the factory based on contract review considering : contractual delivery, capacity & load. Ensuring project product finished as committed delivery date
Responsible to manage and control supply activity also ensure stock accuracy in warehouse. Manage man power effectively related to the activities. (effective man hour). Familiar with SAP (MM/WM Module)
Requirements :
1. Graduate in Electrical Power Engineering (D3/S1)
2. Minimum 3 years of experience in Sales Force of Electrical Product.
3. Proficiency in English both verbal and written, Computer literate (Ms. Office).
4. High integrity, fast learning, good analytical skill.
5. Able to work under pressure with minimum supervisory and excellence team player.
6. Knowledge and previous exposure with Schneider products range are definite advantages.
7.Preferably Car owner and having “A” Driving License.
General Requirements:
1. 3-5 years experience in related job.
2. Graduated in Electrical Engineering (IQM, QPS, TCE, EDE, ED, SE) or Industrial Engineering (MPM, PIC, PPE, WHS), or Accounting (FPC).
3. Initiative, high integrity, fast learning, and good analytical skill.
Able to work under pressure with minimum supervision and an excellent team player.
Highly motivated to grow with World Class Organization.
Demonstrate solid leadership skill.
Proficiency in English both verbal and written.
Computer literate e.g.: Windows, SAP applications.
We are inviting qualified candidates to send your CV
PT. Schneider Indonesia
Ventura Building 7th Floor
Jl. RA Kartini no. 26 Jakarta 12430
attn. Human Resources Department
jobapplication@ id.schneider- electric. com
(without JPG or GIF files, attachment is not more than 500 KB)
Please put job code at the envelope and email subject.
more information :
Vacancy @CPNS LIPI
- Syarat-syarat umum :
- Warga Negara Republik Indonesia.
- Bertakwa kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa.
- Memiliki integritas yang tinggi terhadap Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia.
- Tidak Berkedudukan sebagai Calon Pegawai Negeri / Pegawai Negeri di instansi lain.
- Tidak berkedudukan sebagai anggota atau pengurus partai politik.
- Tidak pernah diberhentikan tidak dengan hormat sebagai Pegawai Negeri atau pegawai swasta.
- Tidak pernah dihukum penjara berdasarkan putusan pengadilan yang telah mempunyai kekuatan hukum yang tetap.
- Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh wilayah Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia atau negara lain yang ditentukan pemerintah.
- Berkelakuan baik.
- Sehat jasmani dan rohani.
- Mempunyai kompetensi yang diperlukan.
- Usia minimal 18 tahun. Usia setinggi-tingginya 27 tahun bagi pelamar berpendidikan D3; 30 tahun bagi pelamar berpendidikan S1; dan 35 tahun bagi pelamar berpendidikan S2 dan S3. Batasan usia dihitung berdasarkan rencana penetapan TMT CPNS sesuai ketentuan MenPAN yaitu tanggal 1 Desember 2009.
- Umur ijasah terakhir setinggi-tingginya 4 tahun untuk ijasah D3; 6 tahun untuk ijasah S1, S2, dan S3.
- Indeks Prestasi Kumulatif minimal bagi pelamar yang berpendidikan S1, S2, dan S3 adalah 2,75; bagi pelamar yang berpendidikan D3 adalah 2,70 dengan skala 4,00.
- Berkas Lamaran utama yang dicetak langsung dari situs SIPC LIPI setelah proses registrasi.
- Fotokopi ijasah pendidikan terakhir yang dilegalisir.
Untuk proses penerimaan CPNS, dipersyaratkan Ijasah Pendidikan terakhir, sedangkan Surat Tanda Kelulusan TIDAK BERLAKU. - Fotokopi transkrip nilai pendidikan terakhir yang dilegalisir.
- Fotokopi KTP.
- Fotokopi halaman judul dan abstrak tugas akhir / tesis / disertasi.
- Bagi yang mempunyai masa pengabdian pada lembaga swasta yang berbadan hukum, harus melampirkan foto copy sah surat keputusan / bukti pengangkatan pertama dan terakhir
Dokumen-dokumen yang dipersyaratkan untuk Berkas Lamaran :
Pilihan unit kerja di bawah LIPI
LIPI merupakan lembaga ilmu pengetahuan multi disiplin dengan 47 satuan kerja yang tersebar di seluruh Indonesia dan meliputi semua bidang kajian ilmu serta administrasi. Untuk itu, sebelum melakukan registrasi pastikan untuk mengetahui detail satuan kerja yang Anda minati melalui halaman FORMASI. Dalam registrasi lamaran, setiap pelamar diberi kesempatan untuk memilih maksimal 3 satuan kerja sesuai dengan urutan prioritas.
Satuan kerja dengan beberapa alamat lokasi menunjukkan bahwa satuan kerja tersebut memiliki beberapa lokasi yang terpisah.
Jumlah lowongan dan syarat IPK minimum
Jumlah lowongan yang dibuka untuk tahun 2009 sebanyak 131 orang (tentatif).
Secara umum IPK minimal untuk CPNS adalah 2,70 untuk D3, serta 2,75 untuk S1-S3 dengan skala 4,00. Namun untuk LIPI, akan dilakukan pemeringkatan pada tahap verifikasi administrasi untuk menentukan pelamar yang dipanggil untuk mengikuti ujian tulis sampai sebanyak lebih kurang 20 kali jumlah formasi untuk setiap bidang kompetensi. Sehingga tidak semua pelamar dengan IPK diatas IPK minimum akan dipanggil untuk mengikuti ujian tulis.
Dari hasil pemeringkatan ujian tulis, untuk ujian wawancara akan dipanggil lebih kurang 5 kali jumlah formasi untuk setiap bidang kompetensi.
Kesesuaian bidang studi, profesi, tingkat pendidikan dan satuan kerja yang diminati
Perlu dipahami bahwa setiap satuan kerja membutuhkan personil untuk profesi peneliti, teknisi dan administrasi dari berbagai tingkat pendidikan (D3, S1, S2, S3) dengan berbagai latar belakang kajian ilmu, selain kajian ilmu utamanya. Untuk itu pastikan personil yang dibutuhkan satuan kerja pilihan Anda melalui halaman FORMASI. Perhatikan dan sesuaikan minat dengan spesifikasi khusus (bila ada) yang tertulis.
Meski demikian LIPI tidak menjamin bahwa setiap pelamar akan ditempatkan sesuai dengan formasi di satuan kerja dan / atau lokasi yang diinginkan. Dalam kasus perbedaan pilihan profesi serta posisi penempatan akan disampaikan dan ditanyakan langsung pada tahap ujian wawancara.
Khususnya untuk syarat tingkat pendidikan, tidak diharuskan melamar dengan tingkat pendidikan terakhir. Bila pelamar berminat pada formasi dengan tingkat pendidikan lebih rendah dari yang dimiliki, maka pada kolom PENDIDIKAN TERAKHIR harus dituliskan perguruan tinggi dan ijasah dari tingkat pendidikan formasi tersebut. Perlu diingat bahwa syarat usia dan tahun kelulusan mengikuti ijasah dari tingkat pendidikan yang dipakai untuk melamar !
Untuk pilihan bidang kompetensi, sesuai ketentuan dari BKN pastikan untuk memilih bidang kompetensi sesuai dengan nama jurusan yang tertulis di ijasah. Bagi pelamar yang memilih bidang kompetensi yang berbeda dengan yang tertulis di ijasah akan gugur di tahap verifikasi administrasi !
- Sistem Informasi Penerimaan CPNS LIPI ini merupakan satu-satunya informasi dan layanan resmi terkait dengan Penerimaan CPNS LIPI.
- Pelamar wajib mengikuti informasi terbaru yang disampaikan melalui situs ini secara berkala.
- Kesalahan / kelalaian mengikuti prosedur yang ditetapkan dan berakibat langsung maupun tidak langsung pada pelamar merupakan tanggung-jawab pelamar.
- Panitia Penerimaan CPNS LIPI tidak menerima kontak langsung baik melalui tatap muka maupun alat komunikasi lainnya terkait dengan seluruh proses Penerimaan CPNS LIPI.
- Pengirim data lamaran dianggap telah membaca dan memahami seluruh proses yang telah ditetapkan.
- Bagi pelamar yang dinyatakan lulus seluruh proses seleksi tetapi mengundurkan diri diwajibkan mengganti biaya yang telah dikeluarkan Panitia sebesar Rp. 10.000.000,- (sepuluh juta rupiah).
Poin-poin berikut merupakan perjanjian yang berlaku bagi seluruh pelamar CPNS LIPI 2009 :
Tahapan dan jadwal penerimaan CPNS LIPI
- Jadwal diatas bisa berubah sewaktu-waktu tergantung pada kondisi ! Untuk itu pastikan bahwa Anda selalu melihat situs SIPC LIPI secara berkala.
- Sesuai kesepakatan di Rakornas CPNS 2009, ujian tulis untuk CPNS Pusat akan diselenggarakan pada tanggal yang sama. Untuk itu pastikan pilihan Anda sedini mungkin.
Tahapan dan batas waktu penerimaan CPNS LIPI adalah :
I. Verifikasi administrasi : - Pengumuman resmi melalui media massa : 3 September 2009 - Penerimaan registrasi lamaran melalui situs SIPC LIPI : 3-25 September 2009 - Penerimaan Berkas Lamaran dan dokumen pendukung : 3-25 September 2009 (diterima LIPI) - Verifikasi administrasi oleh Panitia : 10-30 September 2009 - Pengumuman pelamar dipanggil ujian tulis : 3 Oktober 2009 II. Ujian tulis : - Verifikasi fisik pelamar dipanggil ujian tulis : 8-9 Oktober 2009 - Ujian tulis dan psikotes : 10 Oktober 2009 - Pengumuman pelamar dipanggil ujian wawancara : 13 Oktober 2009 III. Ujian wawancara : - Wawancara : 15-16 Oktober 2009 IV. Hasil final : - Pengumuman pelamar diterima : 22 Oktober 2009 - Registrasi ulang dan penyerahan berkas pelamar diterima : 26-30 Oktober 2009 - Pemberkasan dokumen : 1-16 November 2009 - Mulai bekerja : Awal 2010
Persiapan sebelum mengajukan lamaran
- Nomor Kartu Tanda Penduduk (KTP).
- Tahun dan nomor ijasah pendidikan terakhir.
- Indeks Prestasi Kumulatif (IPK) transkrip nilai pendidikan terakhir.
- berkas dijital pasfoto warna berukuran 200 x 150 piksel dalam format JPEG (dengan nama ekstensi JPG) dan maksimal berukuran sebesar 15 Kb.
- Surat elektronik (Email) yang biasa dan selalu Anda akses secara berkala. Informasi khusus akan disampaikan melalui surat elektronik secara langsung.
- Judul dan abstrak tugas akhir / tesis / disertasi.
- Untuk pelamar lulusan dari luar-negeri, diwajibkan melampirkan Surat Keterangan Akreditasi dari Dikti Depdiknas.
Proses awal registrasi lamaran melalui situs SIPC LIPI merupakan tahapan paling krusial. Proses ini dilakukan sepenuhnya oleh pelamar. Untuk mengurangi kesalahan, pelamar dihimbau untuk mempersiapkan seluruh data dan dokumen pendukung yang diperlukan. Dalam proses verifikasi, panitia tidak memiliki (dan tidak diberi) wewenang untuk melakukan perubahan pada isian Anda. Sehingga ketidaksesuaian antara isian dan berkas lamaran yang dikirimkan kemudian akan berakibat pada ketidaklulusan pada tahap I.
Untuk menghemat waktu akses, sebelum mengisi formulir lamaran ini pastikan bahwa Anda telah menyiapkan data-data dan dokumen pendukung minimal, yaitu :
- Persiapan data yang dipersyaratkan.
Siapkan seluruh data dan dokumen tersebut diatas. - Lakukan registrasi lamaran melalui situs SIPC LIPI (http://cpns.lipi.go.id) dengan meng-klik halaman LAMARAN.
Saat pengisian pastikan untuk mengisi formulir dengan benar dan lengkap sesuai petunjuk tertulis. Kesalahan pengisian sehingga terjadi ketidaksesuaian dengan berkas lamaran yang akan dikirim melalui pos mengakibatkan ketidaklulusan pada tahap I (verifikasi administrasi). Dalam proses pengisian hindari menekan tombol ENTER, sebaliknya pakai tetikus untuk memindahkan kursor ke kolom yang diinginkan. Setelah selesai, tekan tombol KIRIM. Akan segera ditampilkan NOMOR LAMARAN dan KATA-SANDI Anda. - Lakukan LOGIN memakai jendela login di sebelah kiri. Kemudian unggah pasfoto serta revisi isian lamaran bila ada kesalahan.
Bila sudah selesai, tekan tombol KIRIM. - Kembali lakukan proses login. Kemudian setelah memastikan semuanya ditampilkan dengan baik, tampilkan berkas lamaran dengan mengklik tautan CETAK BERKAS LAMARAN. Cetak halaman yang ditampilkan memakai mesin pencetak berwarna.
- Tanda tangani berkas lamaran yang telah dicetak dan tulis jumlah dokumen yang dilampirkan. Pastikan untuk melengkapi dengan seluruh dokumen pendukung yang dipersyaratkan serta dokumen-dokumen lain (bila ada).
- Jepit seluruh dokumen dengan stapler dan masukkan dalam map / amplop tertutup yang telah ditulis NOMOR LAMARAN di bagian depannya.
- Masukkan ke dalam amplop besar tanpa dilipat, kirim melalui pos ke :
- Kepala LIPI up Biro Organisasi dan Kepegawaian LIPI
P.O. Box 4324
Jakarta 12190- Meja Resepsionis up Biro Organisasi dan Kepegawaian LIPI
Gd. Widya Sarwono (lt. 1)
Jl. Gatot Subroto 10
Jakarta 12710
Segera setelah registrasi lamaran, setiap pelamar akan mendapatkan NOMOR LAMARAN yang unik. Simpan dengan baik nomor lamaran ini ! Dengan nomor lamaran dan kata-sandi yang dimiliki, para pelamar bisa melakukan revisi atas formulir registrasi sebelum verifikasi administrasi atas lamaran tersebut dilakukan.
Seluruh proses Penerimaan CPNS LIPI bisa dipantau oleh pelamar dan publik secara waktu riil. Data detail proses lamaran (hasil verifikasi, nilai, dsb) bisa diakses hanya oleh pelamar yang bersangkutan melalui jendela login di sebelah kiri dengan memasukkan nomor lamaran dan kata-sandi yang dimiliki. Para pelamar diwajibkan memantau lamarannya melalui situs SIPC LIPI. LIPI tidak bertanggung-jawab atas aneka kesalahan yang diakibatkan oleh kelalaian para pelamar.
Publik bisa mengakses seluruh proses namun dengan pembatasan isi informasi lamaran untuk menjaga privasi para pelamar.
Tahap I : verifikasi administrasi
Proses verifikasi dilakukan langsung segera setelah berkas lamaran diterima oleh Panitia. Verifikasi dilakukan untuk melihat kesesuaian data registrasi yang telah diisi oleh pelamar melalui situs SIPC LIPI dengan dokumen fisik yang telah diterima Panitia.
Pelamar bisa mengakses informasi detail hasil verifikasi melalui halaman pelamar yang bisa diakses melalui jendela login di sebelah kiri dengan memasukkan nomor lamaran dan kata-sandi yang dimiliki. Melalui halaman ini informasi verfikasi per-item bisa diketahui.
Apabila ada item isian yang tidak lolos verifikasi karena kesalahan dokumen fisik yang diserahkan, pelamar masih bisa mengirim ulang dokumen yang kurang / salah dengan disertai Berkas Lamaran yang dicetak langsung dari situs SIPC LIPI selama batas waktu penyerahan dokumen fisik belum terlewati.
Apabila ada item isian yang tidak lolos verifikasi karena kesalahan pengisian oleh pelamar saat registrasi, pelamar masih dimungkinkan untuk melakukan registrasi ulang dan mengirimkan kembali Berkas Lamaran beserta seluruh dokumen pendukung selama batas waktu registrasi dan penyerahan berkas belum terlewati,
Ingat bahwa LIPI TIDAK melayani tanya jawab dalam bentuk apapun terkait dengan lamaran !
Tahap II : ujian tulis dan psikotes
- Kartu Tanda Peserta Ujian yang sudah disahkan saat verifikasi fisik sebelum ujian tulis.
- Pensil 2B.
- Penghapus pensil.
- Alas untuk menulis.
- Tes Pengetahuan Umum (TPU) : materi sama untuk semua peserta.
- Tes Bakat Skolastik (TBS) : materi sama untuk semua peserta.
- Tes Skala Kematangan (TSK)
- Psikotes tertulis.
Tahap ujian tulis akan dilakukan sesuai dengan jadwal. Hanya pelamar dengan ranking teratas sesuai jumlah minimal untuk setiap formasi yang ditetapkan yang akan dipanggil untuk mengikuti ujian tulis.
Sebelum tanggal pelaksanaan ujian tulis, seluruh pelamar yang dipanggil ujian tulis diwajibkan hadir di lokasi ujian tulis (yang akan ditentukan kemudian) untuk melakukan verifikasi fisik serta mendapatkan nomor kursi ujian tulis. Jadwal verifikasi fisik dibuka tanggal 8-9 Oktober 2009 (pk. 09:00 - 15:00 WIB). Saat verifikasi fisik, pelamar diwajibkan membawa KARTU PESERTA UJIAN yang dicetak langsung dari situs SIPC LIPI. Kartu Peserta Ujian bisa dicetak dari halaman registrasi masing-masing pelamar setelah login memakai nomor lamaran dan kata-sandi yang dimiliki. Pada halaman registrasi pelamar yang lolos tahap I akan ditampilkan tautan CETAK KARTU PESERTA UJIAN.
Masa ujian tulis adalah 1 (satu) hari kerja bersama-sama untuk seluruh pelamar yang dipanggil.
Waktu pelaksanaan ujian tulis 08:00 - 15:00 WIB. Setiap peserta diwajibkan membawa :
Jenis dan materi ujian tulis :
Data nilai ujian tulis bisa diakses oleh pelamar yang bersangkutan. Halaman pelamar bisa diakses melalui jendela login di sebelah kiri dengan memasukkan nomor lamaran dan kata-sandi yang dimiliki.
Lokasi ujian tulis yang direncanakan :
- LIPI Pusat
Jl. Gatot Subroto 10
Jakarta 12710
- Kartu Tanda Peserta Ujian yang sudah disahkan saat verifikasi fisik sebelum ujian tulis.
- Dokumen fisik Tugas Akhir / tesis / disertasi untuk D3/S1/S2/S3.
- Surat Pernyataan Ganti Rugi dan meterai Rp. 6.000,- (1 lembar). Surat Pernyataan harus diambil dari halaman e-BERKAS dan dicetak sendiri.
Wawancara akan dilakukan secara bertahap dalam beberapa gelombang sesuai dengan jumlah pelamar yang akan dipanggil mengikuti wawancara.
Setiap pelamar yang dipanggil untuk mengikuti ujian wawancara harus memperhatikan satuan kerja yang memanggil. Pelamar yang sama bisa dipanggil oleh lebih dari satu satuan kerja. Pada kasus ini, pelamar harus mengikuti seluruh ujian wawancara dari semua satuan kerja yang memanggil.
Lokasi ujian wawancara :
- LIPI Pusat
Jl. Gatot Subroto 10
Jakarta 12710
Pada saat ujian wawancara, peserta diwajibkan membawa dokumen :
Pengumuman pelamar yang diterima dan proses selanjutnya yang harus ditempuh akan diumumkan kemudian. Data detail seluruh proses lamaran (hasil verifikasi, nilai, dsb) bisa diakses oleh pelamar yang bersangkutan melalui jendela login di sebelah kiri dengan memasukkan nomor lamaran dan kata-sandi yang dimiliki.
Membuat dan memasukkan pasfoto
Bagaimana mempersiapkan pasfoto dijital ?
- Pasfoto dijital bisa dibuat dengan mengambil gambar Anda memakai kamera dijital, atau melakukan pemindaian foto konvensional dengan mesin pemindai.
Bagaimana mendapatkan pasfoto sesuai dengan dimensi (150 x 200 piksel) dan ukuran berkas (<>
- Setelah mendapatkan berkas gambar, baik langsung dari kamera dijital ataupun hasil pemindaian, pakai perangkat lunak pengolah foto untuk menyesuaikan dimensi dengan melakukan pengecilan dimensi riil. Untuk mencapai ukuran berkas lebih kecil dari 15 Kb, pastikan bahwa resolusi pasfoto Anda tidak lebih dari 100 dpi.
Bagaimana mendapatkan format JPEG ?
- Setelah gambar siap dan sesuai dimensi yang dipersyaratkan, lakukan penyimpanan dalam format JPEG dengan nama ekstensi jpg. Setelah disimpan, pastikan bahwa ukuran berkas kurang dari 15 Kb !
Bagaimana kalau ingin mengganti pasfoto yang telah diunggah sebelumnya ?
- Selama proses verifikasi terhadap registrasi Anda belum dilakukan, pasfoto bisa diganti dengan melakukan unggah ulang.
Dengan proses diatas Anda akan siap mengunggah pasfoto Anda untuk melengkapi registrasi lamaran melalui situs SIPC LIPI. Bila Anda masih mengalami kesulitan, silahkan meminta bantuan ke orang-orang di sekitar Anda. Umumnya Anda bisa mendapatkan bantuan dengan mudah melalui toko cuci cetak foto yang menyediakan jasa pencetakan foto dijital, atau para penjaga warung internet terdekat.
Mencetak Berkas Lamaran dan Kartu Peserta Ujian
Berkas Lamaran bisa dicetak setelah data registrasi disimpan. Pastikan bahwa seluruh data dan pasfoto Anda sudah diisikan dengan benar. Setelah login kembali memakai nomor lamaran dan kata-sandi yang dimiliki, klik tautan CETAK BERKAS LAMARAN. Akan ditampilkan halaman siap cetak untuk surat lamaran. Setelah memastikan bahwa data diri, pasfoto dan kode bar ditampilkan dengan benar, silahkan cetak memakai mesin pencetak berwarna pada kertas warna putih ukuran A4.
Untuk Kartu Peserta Ujian, tautan CETAK KARTU UJIAN akan ditampilkan setelah proses verifikasi dan penentuan peserta yang dipanggil selesai. Setelah memastikan bahwa data diri, pasfoto dan kode bar ditampilkan dengan benar, silahkan cetak memakai mesin pencetak berwarna pada kertas warna putih ukuran bebas (selama seluruh bagian Kartu Peserta Ujian tercetak).
Apabila hasil cetakan terlalu besar / kecil dari ukuran kertas A4, lakukan perubahan ukuran font pada perambah yang dipakai !
Terkait dengan perubahan proses penerimaan CPNS secara umum oleh MenPAN / BAKN sejak 2004, LIPI sebagai salah satu lembaga pemerintah mendukung penuh sistem baru tersentralisasi yang diberlakukan. Sistem ini ditujukan untuk meningkatkan transparansi proses guna mendapatkan insan-insan muda Indonesia terbaik sebagai abdi pelayan masyarakat di masa depan.
Khususnya untuk LIPI, SIPC sangat relevan terkait dengan status LIPI sebagai lembaga ilmu pengetahuan utama di Indonesia. Sehingga kemampuan memakai sistem informasi semacam ini bagi para pelamar merupakan syarat mutlak di era informasi ini.
Prinsip dasar implementasi SIPC LIPI
- Mudah dipakai dan dipelihara oleh seluruh pihak terkait (pelamar, panitia, LIPI).
- Berbasis web dinamis.
- Permanen : sistem yang bisa dipakai sepanjang tahun.
- Transparan : memungkinkan kontrol internal yang ketat dan pencekan ulang antar bagian dan level.
- Sekuriti akses di setiap level.
Guna mencapai tujuan diatas, LIPI menganggap perlu untuk mengimplementasikan Sistem Informasi Penerimaan CPNS LIPI - SIPC LIPI berbasis web. Sistem ini memungkinkan seluruh proses dilakukan secara online dan transparan bagi semua pihak terkait (pelamar, panitia dan masyarakat). Untuk itu, sejak proses pengembangan sampai implementasi dipegang beberapa prinsip dasar utama :
SIPC LIPI dimiliki oleh LIPI dan dikelola oleh Panitia Penerimaan CPNS LIPI. Secara teknis SIPC LIPI dikelola oleh Pengelola Layanan dari Tim Gabungan Jaringan LIPI.
Penanggung-jawab : Sekretaris Utama LIPI Ketua Pelaksana : Kepala Biro Organisasi dan Kepegawaian LIPI Teknis SIPC LIPI : - Pelaksana Penanggung-jawab Harian TGJ LIPI
- Pengelola Layanan TGJ LIPI
DEPARTEMEN PEKERJAAN UMUM P E N G U M U M A N PENGADAAN PEGAWAI NEGERI SIPIL TINGKAT PASCA SARJANA (S.2) DAN SARJANA (S.1) UNTUK GOLONGAN III | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Departemen PU Republik Indonesia membuka kesempatan kepada para Pasca Sarjana dan Sarjana bagi yang Berwarga Negara Indonesia baik pria maupun wanita untuk mengikuti seleksi pengadaan sebagai Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil (CPNS) di lingkungan Departemen Pekerjaan Umum yang akan ditempatkan baik di Pusat maupun di Daerah dengan ketentuan :
Deadline September 2009
- 12:40 AM - 0 comments
ThyssenKrupp Elevator is one of the leading elevator companies in the world and represented at over 800 locations in more than 60 countries. With 43,000 employees, the company generated sales of over 4.9 billion euros in the fiscal year to September 30, 2008. In the Asia Pacific region, ThyssenKrupp Elevator employs over 5,200 people and is represented by more than 150 branch offices in Australia, China, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand and Vietnam. Products include passenger and freight elevators, escalators and moving walks, stair and platform lifts, passenger boarding bridges as well as quality service for all products. In line with our rapid business growth, we seek for qualified candidates for the Management Trainee positions.
Management Trainee (MT) Opportunities
This position is targeting at high caliber fresh graduate or those with less than 2 years’ working experience. The total duration of the management trainee program is around 12 months with designated functional
training in Indonesia or other countries within Asia Pacific. After the completion of the program, successful candidate will be appointed to specific position based on his/ her performance and capability.
- Rotate through major functional areas in any country within South East Asia or Asia Pacific region.
- Go through a customized training curriculum in specific business, technical and personal development areas.
- Receive executive coaching for ongoing professional and personal career development.
- Demonstrate your potential and capability through various projects and on the job training.
General MT Requirement:
- Keen to build a career in elevator industry.
- Enjoy working with people and have good interpersonal skills.
- Presentable, self motivated, creative with confidence and maturity.
- Strong leadership skills. Evidence in organizational leadership experience helps.
- Computer literate with good writing/reporting skill.
- Must have own transportation vehicle.
- Fluent in English and Indonesian. Mandarin skill helps.
- Flexible in placement in anywhere in Indonesia or overseas.
MT – Engineering Discipline:
- University graduate in Engineering Mechanical/ Electrical/ Electronics/ Mechatronics with at least 3.5 GPA from a reputable university.
MT – Sales & Marketing Discipline:
- University graduate in Business Administration/ Management/ Sales & Marketing with at least 3.5 GPA from a reputable university.
Interested applicants please forward your detailed resume, expected salary, contact number and date
available to hr@thyssenkrupp. co.id or mail to :
ThyssenKrupp Elevator (Indonesia)
Att: “HR (MT)”
Pondok Indah Plaza 3 Blok E-11
Jl. TB Simatupang, Jakarta Selatan 12310, INDONESIA
Detailed information about ThyssenKrupp Elevator is available at www.thyssenkrupp. co.id .
Applicants who do not hear from us for six weeks may assume their applications unsuccessful; data collected would be used for recruitment purpose only.
PT. ThyssenKrupp Elevator Indonesia
A Company of ThyssenKrupp Elevator
Pondok Indah Plaza 3 No. E-11, Jl. TB Simatupang, Jakarta 12310, Indonesia
Phone: (+62-21)7511876, Fax: (+62-21) 75909642
Internet: www.thyssenkrupp. co.id
Exp date : 16 September 2009
Petrolink is a well established information and communications technology service company specializing in the oil and gas exploration and production sector.
Petrolink has provided IT and communications solutions to oil and gas operators whether super majors, or smaller independent operators for more than 15 years. Petrolink has adapted and evolved its solutions and services to suit the needs of its customers in this technology driven service sector.
Petrolink has a highly skilled and experienced team of people recruited from the oil and gas, software development and information and communications technology industries to provide tailored solutions to the needs of our growing client.
Petrolink has become the market leader in the secure transmission and distribution of geotechnical and associated data throughout the world. Petrolink has strategically placed its personnel and offices across the globe to provide the best possible level of support to our clients.
PLEASE SEND COMPREHENSIVE RESUME TO : jakarta.vacancies@.petrolink.
Position Description.
We are looking for an experienced .NET developer who has involved for both web and desktop application. You would be responsible for the ongoing development of products on the latest Microsoft platform and development tools.
Required Skills :
- Possess at least a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science/Computer Engineering/Information Technologies.
- Experience in .Net development using Visual Studio.
- Must have at least 2 (two) years experiences in designing and developing application using C#.
- Having good technical knowledge in database design using Microsoft SQL Server or Oracle.
- Having good knowledge in Object Oriented Programming (OOP).
- Familiar with ASP.Net is preferred.
- Exposed to Microsoft SharePoint technology is preferable.
Others :
- Strong interpersonal, communication and analytical skill
- Ability to work individually and in a team
- Ability to work under pressure and achieve target in timely manner
- Technology focused, self-motivated, proactive in problem solving and able to work under minimum supervision
- Have high commitment to meet project's target and deadline
- Fluent in English both oral and written
- Experience in the Oil and Gas Industry is preferrable
Position Description
We are looking for an experienced .NET developer who will act as Team Leader (Lead Developer) for several new development projects in the Jakarta office. This position will be directly responsible for a team of 6 developers, and oversee the project work of up to 20 developers. You would be responsible for the ongoing development of products on the latest Microsoft platform and development tools. The position would suit either existing team leaders, or senior developers looking to expand their skills in software project management, whilst keeping hands on.
Development Skills :
- Detailed knowledge of the state of the art in Microsoft development technologies and products and platform.
- Expert in Microsoft .NET Framework, C#, ASP.NET, SQL Server
- Extensive experience delivering complex software development projects on Microsoft and other technologies
- Specializes in high capacity web application & back-end application development
- Project Managements
- Demonstrated project management skills, including software development planning, reporting,
- Worked with, and preferably implemented Agile development methodologies such as Scrum, RUP etc.
- Proven ability to deliver complex software projects, (examples required) from inception through to delivery, and ongoing maintenance.
- Able to articulate project status to senior management regularly and adjust to rapidly changing requirements.
Education and Personal
- Possess at least a Bachelor’s degree in a related subject (Computer Science, Math, etc) with min. GPA 3 out of 4.
- 6+ Years in software development, with at least 4 years experience Project Manager or Team Leader preferably within the Oil and Gas industry.
- PMP Certified or candidate status is preferable
- Have strong leadership skill and have ability to manage various types of people
- Have coaching skill
- Logical thinker, able to break down complex problems, and devise solutions.
- Strong interpersonal, communication, analytical skill and good working attitude.
- Ability to make good/sound decisions and use independent judgment.
- Have high commitment to meet project’s target and deadline
- Fluent in English both oral and written
Additional Skills
- Have strong knowledge and skill at OOP (Object Oriented Programming)
- Knows the principles and implementation of Security, Encryption etc.
- Experience in a wide range of development tools and methodologies, not just Microsoft.
- Experience in the Oil and Gas Industry
- Experience with Java, Lotus Notes, Oracle and Silverlight 2.0
- IT / Server operating system skills, such as MS Server 2003 background dealing with IT systems, especially in an enterprise environment, would be a bonus.
General requirements
- Flexible working hours
- Ensure the efficiency and effectiveness of systems solutions deployed in support of business goals and objectives.
- Plan and schedule project time lines.
- This position is Jakarta based but may require traveling.
Requirements :
- Bachelor's degree in IT or related field
- Experience as Lotus Notes Developer min. 2 years.
- Good Knowledge in Lotus Notes R5 and R6
- Extensive programming experience :
- Advanced knowledge and experience with Lotus Notes development including: LotusScript and Lotus @Formula
- Advanced knowledge of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, XML & Supported web programming.
- Fluent in English and a strong communication skill are essential.
- Focus, Analytical, Self starter, Strong work ethic & Creative problem solving skills.
- Excellent team player, and good interpersonal skills
- Ability to work within a multi-disciplinary team.
- Ability to work independently, with minimal supervision / limited guidance, and to manage multiple projects simultaneously.
Preferred additional skills :
- Lotus Technical Certification
- Lotus Domino Server Administration
Please state your current + expected salaries and your availability in the application letter.
Kindly fill out the e-mail subject with the position that you applied.
Only selected candidates will be contacted.
Find out more about our company by visiting our website at www.petrolink.com
Vacancy @ Blue Bird
Building Supervisor (BS)
1. Pendidikan D3 semua jurusan
2. Usia maksimal 32 tahun
3. Memiliki pengalaman dalam mengelola, memelihara serta melakukan perawatan dan perbaikan gedung bertingkat minimal 3 tahun
4. Menguasai mechanical electrical, AC dan plumbing.
HR Staff (HR)
1. Pendidikan minimal S1 Psikologi
2. Lebih disukai yang memiliki pengalaman dibidang rekrutmen maupun di lembaga – lembaga psikologi terapan
3. Memiliki pengalaman organisasi serta dapat engemudikan mobil merupakan nilai lebih
Staff Operasi (SO)
1. Pendidikan D3 semua jurusan
2. Usia maksimal 28 tahun
3. Memiliki pengalaman organisasi merupakan nilai lebih, bersedia bekerja shift dan di tempatkan di wilayah Jabodetabek
Customer Service (CS)
1. Pendidikan minimal Diploma semua jurusan, diutamakan dari perhotelan / pariwisata
2. Dapat berbahasa Inggris dan berpenampilan menarik
3. Bersedia bekerja shift dan ditempatkan di wilayah Jabodetabek
Kirimkan lamaran lengkap disertai No. telepon dengan mencantumkan kode posisi yang dilamar pada pojok kiri atas amplop ke:
Blue Bird Group HR Department
Jl. Mampang Prapatan Raya No. 60
Jakarta 12790
Paling lambat 1 minggu setelah iklan ini dimuat*
* posted 31 agustus 2009
Vacancy @ Ajinomoto Indonesia Group
Medical Analyst
* Analyzing medical report of employees
* Preparing medical report summary and propose action plan to Top Management
* Doing First Aid when there is employee who getting sick at work area
* Identifying high risk employees
* Male or Female
* Minimum bachelor degree of Medicine or Nursing
* Good understanding in basic medical science and First Aid
* Able to manage medical matters at the workplace (certified on Hyperkes)
* Able to speak in English
* Strong analytical skill
* Having experience at Medical area will be an advantage
* Willing to have travelling
Send your complete application not later than 14 September 2009 to: rekrutmen@ajinomoto.co.id (write MA as email subject) or HRD Dept. PT. Ajinomoto Indonesia, PO BOX 1019, JKU 14010. Should you need futher information please visit our website below :
Vacancy @ PT Bursa Efek Indonesia (IDX)
Staf Pencatatan (CAT)
Melakukan kegiatan evaluasi dan monitoring terhadap calon emiten dan emiten yang akan dan telah listing di Bursa.
* Laki-laki lebih diutamakan
* S1/S2 Akuntansi/ Manajemen Keuangan dengan IPK min 3,00 (skala 4)
* Fresh Graduate atau berpengalaman lebih diutamakan
* Memiliki integritas dan komitmen terhadap tugas serta tanggung jawab yang tinggi
* Memiliki jiwa dan kemampuan pelayanan yang baik
* Mampu bekerja dalam tim
* Memiliki motivasi dan keinginan yang kuat untuk berkembang
* Memiliki orientasi terhadap data dan informasi secara detail, update dan akurat
* Memiliki kemampuan analisa yang kuat
* Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi yang baik dan mampu memberikan kesan profesional
* Memiliki pengetahuan yang luas tentang pasar modal Indonesia
Staf Satuan Pemeriksa Anggota Bursa (SPAB)
Melakukan kegiatan pemeriksaan atau audit terhadap perusahaan sekuritas yang terdaftar sebagai anggota Bursa.
* Laki-laki lebih diutamakan
* S1 Akuntansi dari universitas ternama dengan IPK min 3,00 (skala 4)
* Fresh Graduate atau berpengalaman sebagai auditor lebih diutamakan
* Memiliki integritas dan komitmen terhadap tugas serta tanggung jawab yang tinggi
* Memiliki jiwa dan kemampuan pelayanan yang baik
* Mampu bekerja dalam tim
* Memiliki motivasi dan keinginan yang kuat untuk berkembang
* Memiliki kemampuan analisa yang kuat
* Memiliki orientasi terhadap data dan informasi secara detail, update dan akurat
* Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi yang baik dan mampu memberikan kesan profesional
* Memiliki kemampuan untuk mengaplikasikan pengetahuan dan pengalaman secara praktis.
* Memiliki pengetahuan yang luas tentang pasar modal Indonesia
Staf Pemeriksaan Transaksi (WAS-PT)
Melakukan pemeriksaan atas transaksi perdagangan di Bursa Efek Indonesia.
* Laki-laki/Perempuan, maksimal 27 tahun.
* S1 Akuntansi dari Universitas ternama, IPK min 3,00.
* Memiliki integritas dan komitmen terhadap tugas serta tanggung jawab yang tinggi
* Memiliki jiwa dan kemampuan pelayanan yang baik
* Mampu bekerja dalam tim
* Memiliki motivasi dan keinginan yang kuat untuk berkembang
* Memiliki kemampuan analisa yang kuat
* Memiliki kemandirian dalam bertindak dan melakukan aktivitas.
* Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi yang baik.
* Memiliki orientasi terhadap data dan informasi secara detail, update dan akurat
* Memiliki kreativitas yang tinggi
* Memiliki pengetahuan yang luas tentang pasar modal Indonesia
Staf Pemantauan Perdagangan (WAS - PP)
Melakukan pemantauan atas transaksi yang terjadi di Bursa.
* Laki-laki/Perempuan, maksimal 26 tahun
* S1 Ekonomi dari universitas ternama dengan IPK min 3,00 (skala 4)
* Fresh Graduate atau berpengalaman
* Memiliki integritas dan komitmen terhadap tugas serta tanggung jawab yang tinggi
* Memiliki jiwa dan kemampuan pelayanan yang baik
* Mampu bekerja dalam tim
* Memiliki motivasi dan keinginan yang kuat untuk berkembang
* Memiliki orientasi terhadap data dan informasi secara detail, update dan akurat
* Mampu bekerja dalam tekanan
* Memiliki kreativitas yang tinggi
* Memiliki pengetahuan yang luas tentang pasar modal Indonesia
* Memiliki kemampuan analisa yang kuat
* Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi yang baik
Staf Riset (RDP)
Melakukan review struktur perdagangan, melakukan analisa terkait pasar modal, dan melakukan pengolahan data dalam rangka menghasilkan recommendation paper bagi manajemen.
* Laki-laki/Perempuan, maksimal 28 tahun.
* S1 Statistik/Ekonomi/Keuangan
Vacancy @ Panin Bank
Panin Bank merupakan salah satu bank komersial utama di Indonesia. Didirikan pada tahun 1971 dan mencatatkan sahamnya di Bursa Efek Jakarta tahun 1982 sebagai bank Go Public yang pertama. Strategi usaha Panin Bank adalah fokus pada bisnis perbankan retail. Panin Bank berhasil memposisikan diri sebagai salah satu bank utama yang unggul dalam produk jasa konsumen dan komersial.Dalam rangka perluasan jaringan kantor di Balikpapan, dibuka kesempatan bagi tenaga-tenaga muda yang energik dan bermotivasi tinggi untuk posisi:
* Customer Service (CS)
* Teller (TL)
* Back Office (BO)
* Marketing (MKT)
* Pendidikan minimal S1 untuk semua jurusan IPK min 2,75
* Usia maksimal 28 tahun dan berpenampilan menarik
* Diutamakan berpengalaman di bidang perbankan
* Bersedia mengikuti seleksi penerimaan karyawan lebih lanjut
Kirimkan surat lamaran dilampiri CV, fotocopy KTP dan 2 lembar pas foto berwarna ukuran 4x6. Pada sudut kiri atas amplop lamaran agar dicantumkan kode posisi dan diterima selambat-lambatnya tanggal 6 September 2009 ke:
PT. Bank Panin Tbk, Jln. A Yani No 3, Balikpapan. Untuk keterangan selengkapnya kunjungi website kami di link berikut in :
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